May 23, 2011

tangled mangled

italian butter cookies.... you know the ones. An assorted box of misc chocolate & sprinkle dipped delights. Some swaddling a dollop of jelly, others with cream sandwiched in between. They are so delicious... and remind me of my mother & her infamous search for a bakery that parallels the ones of her childhood. These cookies also make me miss visiting New Jersey, & my family.

had a cannoli for breakfast from a bakery off of Grand today, along with an assorted bag of the butter cookies. Unfortunately i ate them all before i was able to take photos, so i'll have to show you them another day...because i will be getting more. i like them so much, i'm sad they are all gone. similar to the sadness im feeling now that my roommates have started moving out.
i wish i didn't have to go to school sometimes & just sit and BE! i'm frustrated with the fact that i want to dive deep into my friendships & i feel like im running out of time. i don't want to spread myself too thin, i crave these deep connections. some how i must mend my disconnect.

all i ever want to do is lay in grass and hear about your thoughts

something about summer makes me want to have a tattoo. weird, right? well someday when i am financially on my own i am allowed to get one. so until then i will draw out some ideas.

let me never forget.

moving is happening. i found my stars all tangled up... sadly they will not be coming with us.... 

Thank you CocoRosie, Charles Gounod & Mozart for being in the background of my day.

May 17, 2011

intro to wedding season

Jelly candies from chinatown!
     June is creeping up which means.... not only my birthday!... but wedding season... i wanted to share some of my favorite wedding images from last year, but also to get the word out that
i would love to help document this special for anyone around Chicago or the Grand Rapids area. feel free to shoot me an e-mail & i'll see what i can do, until then enjoy the photos.

simple pleasure of the day: New athletic socks!



May 16, 2011

silly bird, dirty puddle

i saw a bird plunge his head into a puddle today. it looked refreshing, until i realized that the puddle was a mucky dirty city of a thing. the bird looked happy though... and some say happiness is all that matters, which is something i used to think. "i don't care what i do, i just want to be happy in the end. success is only success if you are happy." that was my mindset for the past few years. i had a talk with a classmate this semester about who i am & what i live for. i was so excited & confident in what i was sharing that i was disappointed in the response i received at the end. he asked me, "well, are you happy?" confused i responded "well yes of course".... and he said, "well that's all that matters then..." rather perplexed i said goodnight & we parted ways. ...had any of what i said registered? frustrated, i tried to understand why i wasn't content with agreeing to being happy... it was because i don't just want to be happy, i want to be fulfilled! i want my life to glorify Gods kingdom, i want to do His work & spread his love. it was a wonderful realization.
it is now summer, and i am thankful. my life stopped twice last week. First when i lost my sketchbook and Second when i lost my harddrive... thankfully they were both found. 4 final projects & 1 exam - check! and now we look ahead. not too far ahead... but ahead.

here are some photos from this past week...

<- i made the raw carrot & cabbage salad last week, so delicious.

cave bunny charlie

ariel is a bunny kisser

recent indulgences:
lime or lemonade
toasted marshmallows

momo's birthday puppy balloon.

cutie birthday girl!

frozen banana peanut-butter cheesecake!