August 14, 2011

alaska family trip

this has been quite the summer of travels. i feel like i just got back & now i'm leaving again. i leave sunday for my colorado Summit conference! which is going to be amazing. here are things i am worried about.
-going alone
-the types of food that will be available for my current dietary restrictions
-getting too much information that i will be overwhelmed...
but i am looking forward to exploring another new place, and learning! Finally here are a ton of photos of my awesome family & the distant lands from the alaskan trip. i can sum it up with whales, water, & mountains. enjoy!

 the beautiful & my favorite victoria island

ferry-ride to vancouver unfortunately we didn't get to spend enough time there at all

first breakfast on the cruise ship icy straight point + juneau

shot this off the dock, a jellie as big as a basketball. she was a beautiful dancer

we went kayaking in the ocean here it was amazing, the salmon were jumping all around & we saw many bald eagles as well as a momma & baby porpoise! 

bubble net! a cooperative group feeding technique. there are 10 whales feeding there!

 hubbard glacier

this rock was scratched by glacial movement

glacial ice is so blue because of the pressure-it is really dense!

it was a wonderful vacation with my family, even though it was rather long i love spending time with them & wish i could see them more. alaska is a beautiful piece of land. i would never live there, unless it was a cabin in the forest that i built with my own two hands... i would like to go back so some parts & go camping. it is nice to be pampered but in the future i would like to do a bit more roughing it. but i am so thankful for the sights & experience & the time i got to spend with some of the people most dear to me.