there is a lot going on right now. i am learning how to - NOT depend on my own understanding {pvb. 3:5-6} which has been really difficult, because of anxiety i have all of these unanswered questions & i just need to rest & drop my worries. it has been a hard but wonderful reminder - of how i need to depend on God. my frustration comes when i am unclear of HIS will. So i am learning to consult with him & be patient & listen. (because when i don't do these things - everything is topsy turvy & unfulfilling. i am also learning how to find comfort in HIM & not in things of this world. it is difficult because i feel most comfortable when i am physically held, so this will be a learning process.
my dad gave me a book while i was in Grand Rapids this past weekend for the day of Giving Thanks, & i am excited to get into it. Ariel & i got to page 19 on our ride over to Chi - but Ryan pointed out that it was just 7 pages...but we enjoyed the forward & intro, can't wait to dive in. book {Decision Making & the Will of God -Friesen}
these are pictures of my excitement. this AllSaints skirt is my first piece to {my style} collection. i have not been feeling like myself (which doesn't make sense because i'm not anyone else).... but a way i can express who i am is in my wardrobe - now bare with me i haven't thought about this enough to measure it's materialism & worldly value...but quality over quantity is how i am transitioning my wardrobe. i like the idea of it being passed down through generations. oh hey look at that quality = sustainable? who would have thought...