December 13, 2010

bye bye kombucha brew

this is my fair well to Kombucha brewing. this semester was too crazy to focus on making the perfect tea cultures. as i wrap up the semester i decided to finish my "biology of the human immune" course with a talk on Kombucha. i also included a little informative poster in this entry that i displayed to my class.

adios my little bacterium cultures.

walking home from class today i was staring at the high rises down michigan avenue, and i realized how much i miss Grand Rapids. i miss the people, i miss my family. as my heart started to ache for my little GR i couldn't walk any further without sitting down and contemplating. so i sat. on a snowy ledge in my puffy parka staring at Chicago all the while yearning for home. it's a strange thing realizing that something is apart of you, yet it was comforting. i think someday it would be lovely to return, after my grand adventures of traveling the country coming back home sounds quite wonderful to me. i'm so thankful to be going home for a christmas celebration next week!


This is an image I took at the end of summer, while playing around with a tilt shift lens. This is my brother Owen, he's flying. Regretfully this image will not be shown in a gallery this weekend, but will soon appear in the gallery of 654 in Grand Rapids, Mi.

here's to back to studying.

December 12, 2010

it's been too long

this is what my hair looked like this morning... i enjoyed it
since i've been having a difficult time uploading images on this blog i've procrastinated for a while on posting. but i thought today would be a good day to try to post, and hey! it worked!
i helped out my roommate and dear friend ariel with a project, and here are some of the beautiful images i just had to share.

on a side note, i went food shopping today for the 1st time in....3 weeks! now i have some fresh veggies!

recently favorite word: cool
recently favorite snack: honey roasted peanuts
life update: this is the last week of 2010 school semester! maybe when final projects are finished i will have time to do a photo
continually thankful for all my blessings, and excited for the christmas season

November 7, 2010

as the chill sets in

As the temperature continues to drop the Chicago wind becomes much more noticeable. It is in fact the gusts of chilled air that inhibit me from peddling forward while on my bike....i may or may not have had my first encounter with the side of an SUV recently, and i would like to blame the wind.

i would also really like to upload photos, but my blogger image uploader is not working...

On a different note, this past week i was reminded yet again how satan can grab ahold of my brokenness and throw it in my face. i hate it. MissioDei's  message tonight was perfect; exactly what i needed to hear. It was a reminder not to let satan even grab hold of a toe, because he will yank you down, packing in guilt, doubt, pride, envy name it, your weakness is his leverage. So with that said, Stand Strong & Hold Fast, there is a fight ahead.

Recently indulgences
-More cupcakes
-homemade pizzas
-deserts in general

October 21, 2010


A beautiful weekend celebration with family and friends. Reception images are on their way.

fall weekend on the jersey shore

Blogger is having troubles with their image up-loader, so i'm posting through Photo bucket.

my first time traveling by air alone was an adventure. it was much easier than i anticipated. i gave myself plenty of time on the way out to O'Hare, my flight went out early so i did not go to bed that night...not advised...i was dead by the time i got to see my family. But after some time of rest i was ready for the wedding weekend!

here are some images of the weekend and the rehearsal dinner of my cousin Rachel & Ed.

October 7, 2010

little i 's...

i hardly ever use big i's in my posts when i'm referring to myself. And i want it to be known that it is not out of laziness. i just don't see myself as a big "I" and i'm comfortable and okay with that...i'm not sure how else to explain's rather mumbled and jumbled in my head.

It has been over a year where i have challenged myself not to walk around with music blaring into my ears through little ear buds. i have come to enjoy the noises all around me, it is interesting noticing the tones and rhythms of everyday commotion. If you are someone who is consistently listening to your music i challenge you to unplug and be in the present, taking in the world around you.

Life continues to be on the Express route, school work is heavy.
i have been enjoying frozen yogurt regularly as well as making pizza at home!
(whole foods bakery dough is better than trader joe's, but you can't beat the TJ 99¢ bag)

Here is a glimpse of a business card holder i made for my product design class. (desk organizer)

September 29, 2010


i don't feel like reading so much each week. the work for my french history honors course is very tedious. the reading takes hours for me to get through...i am a rather slow reader.

it has been interesting to see the connections between all of my courses and how the knowledge i gain from each individual one can play into the other. i am starting to feel a little more well rounded.

tonight was small group, and it was wonderful. i love having girl nights and being in community with women who are there to encourage and pray for you. i've started attending missiodei regularly in wicker park. my roommate ariel heard about it from a friend at springhill. we love it, i love's a perfect fit, a wonderful community of believers. i'm excited to meet more people and eventually live around there, and out of the commotion of the loop...although tonight it is rather quiet out.

in (the past, history what have you), the first born seems to be referred to as the eldest son, and i myself (a lady) feel, as the first born still an entitlement to the role that a son would play. the automatic sense of leadership is something i have not always accepted. but now, i am at a point where i feel comfortable and energized (but not in the way of a power trip) by the thought of leading. my leadership is quiet and it will be fun to see how God will use it.


i miss the beach box...and the chilly water

fall berries at the cottage, not to be eaten.

September 24, 2010

wedding shower

Rachel's getting Married!...(i think that's a movie)

i feel like there are many "first things" i post on this blog, last weekend i attended my first wedding shower for my cousin Rachel. It was at our beach box in West Olive.