March 29, 2013

dim sum Chicago

on a sunday afternoon early this spring, five young ladies
adventured out to chinatown, and sat down for a morning feast at MingHin Cuisine ... enjoy.

March 28, 2013

bongo room brunch

my posts are long over due... but i have scheduled new adventures! and before i document those i want to share ones from this past year. in this next week i'll be sharing my trip to boston from the Fall, and get togethers & projects with friends.... the build up of unedited images is killing me!

about a month ago i had the pleasure of sitting down to brunch with these two lovely ballerinas. Shea and Beatriz. Shea -- my firecracker sister, met miss Beatriz at Ballet Chicago, where they have spent this past year training with Ballet Chicago's pre professional program. Beatriz is from Brazil ! She will be heading off to California in the Fall to start her Undergraduate studies at Biola University. We are so excited for her and her new adventures on the west coast. She is a dear friend and we will miss having her so near.
We walked to the Bongo room in the south loop for a delicious start to our day....

featuring --- one white chocolate pretzel carmel pancake, one cannoli pancake, one redvelvet pancake, & one breakfast burrito! ---

March 8, 2013

cloudgate + cold little dancer

my beautiful sister is living here in Chicago with me and dancing, starting her journey & living in a dream. she was gone for a few days, and i didn't realize how much i would miss her. she is a vibrant young lady, and i really cherish my time with her. i am so thankful we have this time together, in our squished little studio. we will have to introduce our roommate isobel! i want to add another dimension to my blog, an interview / mini documentation of individuals... i am excited to start that very soon.

March 2, 2013

sparkling water in warm tea

i woke up this morning and i wanted to be a starlet

in attempts to cleanse my body i have been drinking warm lemon + peppermint tea in the mornings. i didn't heat up enough water this morning and so i decided to cool it off & fill the rest of my cup with sparkling water! and it was delicious. *:o) you should try it.
tulip petal notes