February 20, 2012

our live green wall

this is what we worked on at the michigan ave & chicago ave anthropologie before we switched to the state street location.
it's a Green wall for spring! air plants, succulents & leafy greens....fabric, rubberbands & yarn! so much fun seeing the vision come to life! also we built the pipe grid, which is so much harder than i could have ever imagined! learning how to manipulate hardware. enjoy the farewell pics!

February 18, 2012

relief printing

this was my first project from my printing class this semester. we made linoleum relief prints, and i chose to make it educational. because if we're not learning & teaching each other, what's the point? {i need purpose in my work, or else i become unmotivated very quickly}.. i love learning this new form of art/design. i love using my hands & making things. i think that's why this semester has been rather satisfying...even though i sleep with moisturizing gloves on too often. going from work to internship to school my hands are a tired mess, and they quickly loose their dexterity. my goal this weekend is to find a nice pair of work gloves to tote along throughout my week. also i want to make a fun work apron, but who knows when i'll have time for that... xoxo

i love the wave effect the ink had on the newsprint tests.
a final print

February 10, 2012

rebecca green

i have this jealousy towards my mothers collection of
Rebecca Green's artwork, (gifted to her by my father).
i adore these pieces, they are such a treat to see
when i am home in Grand Rapids. i can't wait to have
some of my own someday. heads up these are taken with
a point & shoot, i've been too tired to cary
around the big one. enjoy her work &visit her blog & site!

February 4, 2012

"please don't make me look like a joke" {marilyn monroe from her final interview}
cynic |ˈsinik| noun
a person who believes that people are motivated purely by self-interest rather than acting for honorable or unselfish reasons

skeptic |ˈskeptik| ( Brit. scepticnoun
a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions.
Philosophy an ancient or modern philosopher who denies the possibility of knowledge, or even rational belief, in some sphere.

apathetic |ˌapəˈθetik| adjective
showing or feeling no interest, enthusiasm, or concern : apathetic slackers who don't vote.

i  have concern & interest. i love to learn, but question everything on my search for truth. it is decided that i am not apathetic because i care a great deal about certain things & become quite the enthusiast. i am not fully a skeptic but like i said i do question everything, if not verbally; internally. but i sure am a cynic, and because of that it's hard for me to look past our imperfections. searching for truth, reason & meaning.

These are raw, vegan, gluten & dairy free little key lime treats, from Kimberly Snyder. really simple recipe. i keep mine in the freezer & have one or two a day, since they are in ice cube trays the small portions help pace me.

1 cup organic lime juice
½ cup unrefined coconut oil
1/4 cup raw organic honey
4 cups cashews
Liquid stevia as needed, to sweeten
½ -1 cup water
---just add water for blending---
side note these past few posts i've realized i have continually had bandaids on my hands...which suggests i have not been getting enough rest & am rather accident prone. pray for safety, especially when biking. i will have to show you guys all of the large treasures i've been gathering while riding.

February 1, 2012

sometimes chicago smells nice.

sometimes chicago smells sweet, like freshly baked bread or chocolate from a westerly wind. other times it smells like garbage, but tonight it smelled green. Not like after rain but green like dirt, it was interesting, something new. Definitely a spring sort of week.

this is a bit of died fabric & string that we have woven & twisted into our green wall. i'll be taking photos of it soon! it's so cool i can't wait to share.

this week we are switching with state street anthropologie visual team. i popped in last week to checkout the space we will be working with. check out the stunning instillation that is already up, it's made from corks! amazing work.

we are excited to work in with our two story windows! state street view of our new store.

the most delicious candle!
this is the 2nd story of our new store & the entrance into the mall