this is my fair well to Kombucha brewing. this semester was too crazy to focus on making the perfect tea cultures. as i wrap up the semester i decided to finish my "biology of the human immune" course with a talk on Kombucha. i also included a little informative poster in this entry that i displayed to my class.

adios my little bacterium cultures.
walking home from class today i was staring at the high rises down michigan avenue, and i realized how much i miss Grand Rapids. i miss the people, i miss my family. as my heart started to ache for my little GR i couldn't walk any further without sitting down and contemplating. so i sat. on a snowy ledge in my puffy parka staring at Chicago all the while yearning for home. it's a strange thing realizing that something is apart of you, yet it was comforting. i think someday it would be lovely to return, after my grand adventures of traveling the country coming back home sounds quite wonderful to me. i'm so thankful to be going home for a christmas celebration next week!