crunching down on a corn chip bubble is so good! have you ever done it? it is relatively satisfying, you must try it.
thanks to my friend caitlin & her informative
bee site i have learned tonight that Haagen Dazs is helping the
bees! how cool... and watch their
Ode to Flavor. it is simply beautiful.
sitting down to write has, in its own way, encouraged me to continue documenting my life through photo, i forgot how therapeutic it can be. i love it.
this is my roommate ariel. she was sick a while ago.i was nursing her back to health with these vitamins & emergen-C drink....
this was my emergen-C packet/'s such a pretty drink color
...this is my natural hair color, recently i have been going through some drastic color changes. exactly one year ago i shaved my head, this year i am just coloring it like crazy...
as i write this my hair is currently black.

but here are a few of the phases it went through...
bleached...way too orange & yellow
right away i was able to put in a nice dark semi-perm wash... it was a nice lighten up from my original.
then it faded to something like this ----------------v v v v v
i got this shirt for ryan...but wore it first
i was dyeing some clothes...between that & hair dye my nails are all sorts of grose colors lately. dark nail polish might be a staple for me this spring.
this is silly ariel jumping around while i was taking photos
this is a delicious key-lime popsicle from trader joes. i crave lemon & key-lime things often.

i no longer remember how to smile with my teeth. i believe it has something to do with the fact that i feel a loss of joy. my life has been too jam packed recently. it seams if i'm not working im sleeping & if i'm not doing that im at class or rushing to get homework done. i had been putting off posting images & writing things out for far too long, sitting down tonight & laying some things out has been relieving. in my slim book that my brother sawyer made me for christmas i have been writing things down that i want to share with the world. thoughts...& poems mostly, but also ideas for saving the world & responsible design. i'm excited for all that is to come. i'm very excited that the school semester is half way over. summer in Chicago sounds off to do a 3D rendering for an exhibition design...i would rather be sleeping.until next time, hold fast.xoxo