November 19, 2009

a new beginning...

I started this blog for my english class freshman year of college. Now in my sophomore year, I looked back on my entries and saw my internal frustrations blowing through my writing and not in a positive way.

It is exciting to see how much I have grown from last year, in maturity and faith. God is doing amazing things, filling me with passion and teaching me to live with radical faith. It's wonderful and although life is full of school work and money problems God has given me so much to be thankful for.

excited to learn and love, xoxo b

photo credit: Nicole LaPoint


Taylor said...

Hey Brennan! I'm so happy to see your comment, I wish more people were on blogger :) Please keep updating yours, it will be so fun to read. I'm glad to hear how blessed you are (and how you realize it.) Thanks for wishing us the best, I wish you lots of love back! Marriage is sweet, but nothing is sweeter than being in the center of God's will & I pray you enjoy where you are each moment!

PS: How are you traveling home and back for Thanksgiving?

Adam Beasley said...

I've breezed through your entries and love both the writing and the photography - you are truly talented! And yes, there are times of uncertainty and darkness, but those times are the ones where God holds us the closest. He is okay with our frailty; physical, emotional and spiritual, but I believe that He takes great joy in seeing us come out of those times with a new appreciation for His love and caring for us. Thanks for opening yourself up here.