October 7, 2010

little i 's...

i hardly ever use big i's in my posts when i'm referring to myself. And i want it to be known that it is not out of laziness. i just don't see myself as a big "I" and i'm comfortable and okay with that...i'm not sure how else to explain it...it's rather mumbled and jumbled in my head.

It has been over a year where i have challenged myself not to walk around with music blaring into my ears through little ear buds. i have come to enjoy the noises all around me, it is interesting noticing the tones and rhythms of everyday commotion. If you are someone who is consistently listening to your music i challenge you to unplug and be in the present, taking in the world around you.

Life continues to be on the Express route, school work is heavy.
i have been enjoying frozen yogurt regularly as well as making pizza at home!
(whole foods bakery dough is better than trader joe's, but you can't beat the TJ 99¢ bag)

Here is a glimpse of a business card holder i made for my product design class. (desk organizer)


Anonymous said...

I just love your second photo of the stand..It is so elegant and beautiful.

Nancy said...

I never listen to music while walking around either. I love to hear the hustle and bustle of the day going on around me. Life is so much better that way :)