beautiful shadow on my wall |
i have been a total jerk. i feel like i need to say sorry to a lot of people. i think mostly i've just been a jerk inside my head, which has been really frustrating! mean condemning thoughts have consumed me, and i just need to be honest about it. i need to be open about it for accountability purposes. im learning to ask for prayer again. tonight i was reminded to surrender, which is something i forget to do daily.

i have let my fear of the future consume me, i have
yet again overlooked the fact that i have NO strength on my own. &
i will not be a victim of my emotions, my worldly thinking is childish. i will not allow my anxiety to consume me. the mystery of the future is exciting & should be seen as that.
do you know that FEAR is our core emotion...
Abide abide ABIDE {accept or act in accordance with} this word is so comforting to me!
frances is beautifully embroidering this word on
tea towels for a gallery show coming up, so i have been seeing the word around a bit. i love it, because i have accepted christ He has control, & there is nothing i need to worry about. i am cradled in His arms. i always long to be cradled, the thought of physical comfort is so soothing. this could be a wonderful fabric/pillow visual piece...

my lack of joy will be renewed, i know this, & i am ready for it.
i've been listening to
the livingwell house podcasts a GR gem.