April 12, 2012

night streamers

it's alright not to choose the more glamourous route,.... the one that appears to be more adventurous or spontaneous. when there is more than one path to adventure down and fairly even pros & cons it's difficult to choose. but with that said, do not stay in your comfortable little spot.
this week i was offered a last minute summer opportunity with poetice ...an amazing opportunity but my gut feeling was that it wasn't the right time, that i wasn't the right one to join the team this summer.

a few worries came up like finances, raising money for the trip / not having any money now & not having any when i returned to finish school durring the fall semester, and the fact that i had just signed a lease with the perfect studio for my sister & i to live in this summer. it's hard when God let's many doors stay open & leaves it up to you to start walking.
i know if i chose to go on this trip everything would have worked its self out, but the timing didn't seam right. declining the offer is not closing a door, but it's been made very clear to me that working with poetice is in my future.

social justice has been tugging at my heart this year, and to be apart of a growing organization with a creative core is going to be amazing. whether i'm problem solving, designing, spreading awareness...or who knows what i am so excited. be praying for poetice & a summer intern to fill the spot and all the good news they are going to share this summer at the music festivals!

jenna's birthday streamers

"You [God] have made us for yourself and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in Thee."-Augustine

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