September 1, 2011

beach box revamped

these beautiful flowers were given to me by my best friend ryan addison mott. the ones on top were after my alaska trip. the ones below were waiting for me when i got home from colorado. they had mint and another herb leaf mixed in, they were very fragrant. i have many photos to share. and my computer is acting up, which is scary! i guess it is pretty old, this will be it's 4th Fall...which means it's pretty much out of date. i don't plan on getting a new laptop soon, so i hope this guy hangs in there. currently i am at the beach box waiting for my family to come hangout with me. this place has changed so much! it is beautiful, im excited to be here for a bit. let me show you what has changed around the beach box! while taking these photos i detached my lens & used it like a tilt-shift. props to nick anderson for sharing some technique.



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