i would again like to express how difficult it is to format my posts
i do not remember code well enough to edit the html, maybe i will learn again someday. but i think that would be rather unlikely.
This was how messy my room was at one point this weekend...oops.
You can barely tell but there are two twin beds in the room. mine is on the right, COVERED in clothes....
i really hate when my room is unorganized, it feels as though it overflows into the rest of my life creating a frustrating scramble of green eggs, sautéed onions & ham.
i have gone food shopping since, but my spending was minimal... i think all that i added was a bag of spinach, baby cucumbers, one avocado! YUM ...and yes that's it. i will plan on attempting to make sushi for the third time at some point this week. it's so refreshing, and i love having the leftover rice.
And i would just like to say how awful the Aloe juice has been...2oz up to 4 times a day is said to be the magic potion. It's clear like water but bites like something awful. Strangely enough i think im getting used to choking it down. lets hope it's actually helping my intestines.
i did have a delicious detoxifying tea from jamba juice; Mighty Leaf's Detox tea has some awesome elements. The burdock its self should be doing wonders for me & the peppermint infusion is pleasantly soothing.
i'm just so thankful for new friends, and awesome growing relationships. i am so thankful for God's constant provision. i am so thankful for His beauty that surrounds me. i am dazzled by his glory, and blown away by His unconditional love & forgiveness. selfishness is my downfall, a constant battle i will continue to fight. so that i may have the intimate relationship with my Maker that i so desperately desire.
sweet dreams. xox
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